February 25, 2018

CaixaForum Zaragoza for foreigners

Since the early days of June 2014, inhabitants and visitors to Zaragoza have the possibility of enjoying a magnificent exhibition center. Located nearby what once was El Portillo railway station, the CaixaForum building emerges almost in the middle of nowhere as a new cultural venue open from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm seven days a week.

What first calls the attention of the passerby is the building, a huge and heavy mass of concrete that from a distance seems to be floating —or dancing— on one of its axis. At night, a first-rate lighting system turns the cold and grey block into a glowing ball of sparkling blue lights.

P8156323.jpg But not only is the outside of the CaixaForum stunning, the inside is even better. On the ground floor, a large lobby welcomes the visitor, and behind the lobby we can find the gift shop, something that nowadays has become as important in a museum as a good collection of whatever, and which is usually as frequently visited as the most famous of the paintings exhibited.

From here, a couple of glass lifts take us to the first or the second floor where there are a couple of exhibitions on display. The exhibition room on the first floor being a bit smaller is used to host paintings, posters or photographic exhibitions, whereas the second floor is devoted to holding exhibitions in which larger pieces are shown, from Pixar models to 14th century Imperial Chinese works of art or items related to the medieval times from the British Museum collections.

P6203643.jpg Too much art and too much beauty are said to get an untrained eye or body tired. Nothing better then than going up to the top floor and getting a drink and a snack in the cafeteria, or even better, booking a table in the restaurant and enjoying the wonderful views it provides from behind its wall window panes.

Maybe the only drawback we can find is that entrance to the exhibitions is not free, but where could you spend almost the whole day for only €4.00?

El chino Wangyi Fa
De amuletos y exámenes
El cerebrito de Brita
"Gominolas para la última noche
El chirriante caso de Aleksándar Sâncz

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Posted @ 18:14 by | Permalink | Van 2 comentarios|

Quizá haya algún tesoro / muy dentro de mi entraña. / ¡Quién sabe si yo tengo / diamante en mi montaña / o tan sólo un pequeño pedazo de carbón! / Los árboles del bosque de mi isla / sois vosotros, mis versos.

Salen los niños alegres / de la escuela, / poniendo en el aire tibio / de abril canciones tiernas. / ¡Qué alegría tiene el hondo / silencio de la calleja! / Un silencio hecho pedazos / por risas de plata nueva.

Name: SRG
Location: Aragón
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